Rehydrating Drink


Welcome to my Ayurveda & Yoga blog! I’m Evangeline and I’m an RMT and holistic health coach. I started my blog during covid to stay connected to my clients and share my love of cooking healthy, AYURVEDIC INSPIRED meals.
Ayurvedic cooking is a conscious approach to preparing and cooking tasty, nutritious meals with spices and herbs taking into consideration the season, time of day and how you are feeling.

This recipe is an all natural, thirst quenching drink to rehydrate and replenish your body’s minerals and electrolytes.

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My Ayurvedic teacher, Vaidya R. K. Mishra, created this recipe and recommends this drink to rehydrate and to replenish the body’s minerals during cleansing and detoxification. It has been coined the Ayurvedic gatorade. I recommend it in my practice after body treatments and during cleansing regimens, but it can be had anytime when you’re thirsty. It has all six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent thus balancing to the body.

Enjoy this drink on hot, sunny days, or after physical activity. During an SV Ayurveda home detox, this drink is recommend while having a warm bath.

You can also try this drink for your next long driving trip. Sometimes my clients tell me they avoid drinking water in the car because they want to avoid stopping for the washroom. Cumin helps with digestion and absorption of water, and nutrients. Like food, water also needs to be digested and absorbed.

Raw sugar - for sweetness

Lime - though sour, has a post-digestive alkalinizing effect; astringent

Soma salt - a rock salt with a cooling property, high in minerals; in Ayurveda’s ancient text Charak Samhita, it is considered the best salt of the eight edible Himalayan salts. Salt also has an astringent taste.

Mint - cooling and pungent

Cumin - helps in absorption of water, nutrients, minerals; pungent and a bit bitter


Rehydrating Drink Recipe

2 cups spring water

4-8 mint leaves torn and crushed

1 Tbsp fresh lime juice

⅛ tsp toasted cumin seeds crushed

½ - 1 tsp raw cane sugar or sucanat

2 pinches Himalayan soma salt

  • Dry toast whole cumin seeds first in pan, then grind. I keep a week’s worth of toasted ground cumin and store it in a small jar to make this drink in a jiffy, then mash the ingredients together in a bowl and add it to spring water.

    Rehydrating Drink Recipe

    2 cups spring water

    4-8 fresh mint leaves torn

    1 Tbsp fresh lime juice

    ⅛ tsp toasted cumin seeds crushed

    ½ - 1 tsp raw sugar

    2 pinches Soma salt

    Combine and stir all ingredients together and strain if you wish, or put it all in your water bottle, and sip throughout the day on hot, summer days.




Vaidya R. K. Mishra- Notes from Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda Courses, Practicum, Conferences and Lectures 2003-2015