Ayurvedic Buttermilk Pancakes


Welcome to my Ayurveda & Yoga blog! I’m Evangeline and I’m an RMT and holistic health coach. I started my blog during covid to stay connected to my clients and share my love of cooking healthy, AYURVEDIC INSPIRED meals.
Ayurvedic cooking is a conscious approach to preparing and cooking tasty, nutritious, balanced meals using spices and herbs, and taking into consideration the external conditions such as the season and time of day, in addition to how you are feeling.

Last update February 19, 2024

Pancakes are easy to make and a sure winner with just about anyone, anytime of day, or night! This recipe is light because there is no egg and milk combination helping it easier to digest, and easy because you just put all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk. My son cannot tell the difference between these pancakes and a traditional one made with with eggs and milk.

If you're new to my blog, welcome!

I incorporate Ayurveda into my cooking. Ayurveda means the science or knowledge of life and is a natural health system cognized by ancient rishis of India over five thousand years ago. Ayurveda is aligned with nature- its fundamentals laws and cycles. In Ayurveda, every person is viewed as having their own unique qualities based on the three doshas and how the environment affects each of us internally and differently. Another tenet of Ayurveda is that disease can be traced back to improper digestion of food.

Biochemically, some foods do not belong together and having them at the same time can create adverse metabolic or immunological effects on the body. Ayurveda has an extensive list of foods that are incompatible when eaten together, but are fine on their own. Ideally these foods should be eaten hours apart from each other, and one of these incompatible combinations is milk and eggs. Egg and milk are both rich foods, and combined is hard on digestion, which in the long run can cause bloating or indigestion and a sluggish digestive system. In Ayurveda, when food is not fully digested, a substance, called ama, is produced in the body. A build up of ama acts like a roadblock in the physical channels of the body.

Ayurvedic Buttermilk Pancakes made with buckwheat and sorghum flours with fresh whipped cream and maple syrup.

Ayurveda Profile of Ingredients

Arrowroot flour - In Ayurveda, binder foods such as arrowroot are used to bind toxins to prepare for elimination. Other common binders are tapioca flour, taro, barley and okra.

Cinnamon - helps insulin work better by metabolizing carbohydrates and sugar

Ghee - butter that has been clarified to remove milk solids; traditional ghee is made with fresh cultured butter at a low temperature and has probiotic benefits.

Soma Salt - a Himalayan rock salt with a cooling property, high in minerals; in Ayurveda’s ancient text Charak Samhita, it is considered the best salt of the eight types listed. Salt also has an astringent taste.


Gluten free pancakes with buckwheat and sorghum flour, topped with maple syrup.

Ayurvedic Buttermilk Pancakes

Yields: 4 - 5 inch pancakes or 6-7 smaller ones

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 3 minutes each pancake


½ cup buckwheat flour

½ cup sorghum flour

2 tsps arrowroot flour

½ tsp baking soda

½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp cinnamon

⅛ tsp soma salt

1 cup fresh buttermilk or 50-50 plain yogurt & water whisked together

1 Tablespoon melted ghee


  1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and whisk, but don’t over mix. Let sit for a few minutes. Batter will be a bit thick.

  2. To keep pancakes warm, as each is made, put pancakes on a plate in the oven set at 275°F.

  3. Put some ghee on a pan, set to medium heat, and wait a minute to heat the pan.

  4. Pour some batter onto pan and flip once many bubbles pop up, about 2 minutes.

  5. Cook the other side for about 1 minute.

  6. Wipe pan clean after each pancake and add some ghee in the pan when each pancake is made.



  • For dairy-free substitute almond milk which is also high in calcium.

  • Instead of sorghum or buckwheat use einkorn flour, a non-hybridized, non-GMO, ancient whole wheat grain & contains less gluten or red fife, a Canadian heritage wheat variety. In doing so, you will not need to add arrowroot flour because there is enough gluten in einkorn and red fife to bind the pancake together.

  • Tapioca flour instead of arrowroot; both are binders which binds toxins for elimination