No-Bake Oat & Nut Energy Balls


Welcome to my Ayurveda & Yoga blog! I’m Evangeline and I’m an RMT and holistic health coach. I started my blog during covid to stay connected to my clients and share my love of cooking healthy, AYURVEDIC INSPIRED meals.
Ayurvedic cooking is a conscious approach to preparing and cooking tasty, nutritious, balanced meals using spices and herbs, and taking into consideration the external conditions- the season, time of day, and how you are feeling and the state of your health.

My son and I whipped these up as part of his homework assigned by his teacher- to make a healthy snack. He liked them so much we made it twice that day! Easy to make in about 15 minutes- no baking and no chilling. The honey and date in the recipe hold the nuts and oats nicely to make these cute bite size treats without having to chill the batter!


I recommend pan toasting the oats and nuts to cook them a bit, instead of having them cold and raw. Ayurveda teaches us to pay attention to not only how we’re feeling when it comes to food but also to our external environment as well. It’s winter here right now. Warm is ideal, and raw food requires robust digestion.
Cardamom can also be added to give it a bit of a twist. If some of you are new here, I add the wisdom of Ayurveda into my cooking and baking to maintain health.

Cinnamon- helps metabolize sugar

Cardamom- helps digest protein

Nuts and Seeds- rich in protein, good fats, minerals, Vitamin E- an antioxidant, and B Vitamins

Ghee - clarified butter, traditionally made from cultured butter slowly heated to separate fat from the lactose and casein and evaporate the water; ghee can can remain on the counter for up to 3 months.


No-Bake Oat & Nut Balls

Prep Time 10 minutes
Makes 14 bite size balls


½ cup rolled oats

½ cup any raw nuts/seeds, chopped

1 tsp ghee

2 Tbsp honey

1 medjool date, cut in pieces

¼ tsp cinnamon powder

¼ tsp cardamom powder- optional

¼ cup chocolate chips or carob chips- optional

¼ cup shredded coconut for coating- optional


  1. Pan toast oats and crushed nuts/seeds in fry pan with ghee, medium-low heat for a few minutes until slightly brown.

  2. Put toasted oats and nuts/seeds, and cinnamon in a bowl and add the honey and date. Mix well all together with a flat paddle or your hands. Incorporate chocolate or carob chips and cardamom if desired.

  3. Form into balls.

  4. Coat with shredded coconut if desired.


